14 Ways To Love The Planet

14 Ways To Love The Planet

14 sustainable ways to love your planet from self-care strategist and boss babe Kasey Dreier.
Plastic and The Health of Our Oceans

Plastic and The Health of Our Oceans

At this point I do not have to tell you that Wolven Threads' creates clothing made from recycled plastic bottles, you already know that. What you might not know however, is how all of this plastic waste is impacting our oceans and why our wolfpack is so intent on creating clothing that is environmentally sustainable.

Let me dive right in. Plastic negatively impacts our oceans harming and killing over 267 different species of marine wildlife each year. Thousands of sea turtles, fish, great white sharks and marine mammals are killed from suffocation, ingestion, drowning, and entanglement due to an alarming 8.8 million tons of plastic litter overtaking our ocean surfaces yearly. The scary news is, without taking action by the year 2050, there will be more plastic litter in our oceans than fish.

Before The Stitching Starts: A Deeper Look Into How Our Recycled Clothing is Created

Before The Stitching Starts: A Deeper Look Into How Our Recycled Clothing is Created

As you probably already know, our fabric is made from recycled plastic bottles.  We wanted to take it a step further and share a little bit more information about the process with our wolfpack.

So, the first question is, why recycled bottles?  As a sustainably minded business, our hope is that eventually plastics will be eliminated from the fashion industry so that we can move towards a more plastic free planet.  Plastics can take up to 400 years to biodegrade, and in utilizing plastic bottles for our garments, we are are creating a second life for bottles and off-setting the production of new polyester.